Monday, January 25, 2010

Mouth Full

Don't fill your mouth with 100 lbs. of food in front of your girl friend in one bite, better to put one hash-brown in at a time. Don't be stupid.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


"Don't be stupid!" If you're going to be drinking lot's of sugar filled pop, particularity Orange Sunkist soda, which in a single serving has 34 grams of sugar/cup, at least wash your mouth out with water afterwards! Better yet, brush your teeth. The consequence for not doing this: 22 cavities, requiring you to go to the dentist 8 times in 1 year!!! And on top of that, the orange teeth are going to cause your smile to disturb people rather than fill their heart's with a sense of peace and well-being. So don't be stupid, (soda - toothpaste = grief)!

Don't Be Stupid

Welcome all, to our "Don't be Stupid" blog! We are just a couple of Christian guys who are experiencing life, making mistakes, and learning how flagrantly "Stupid" we as guys (even Christian guys!) can be. Some of our posts, my friends, will have an element of depth to them, others may be completely silly, most will be a combination of these things. A quick background on us Dudek boys. We're both computer programmers, we were both home schooled, and we're both in relationships with women (public schooled women, by the way!) that we each love dearly. I (Peter) am dating a beautiful and awesome girl named Jodi, and wow, as I've gotten to know her, I've learned an awful lot of awesome stuff!! Drew is married to his wife Jenna, and even after only 2.5 years of marriage, they are full of wisdom and enduring love. Through the posts, you'll get to know us and our girls more, so I'll leave further descriptions about who we are on the table for now. Oh, and just to let you know, if any of our posts offend you, we're not really sorry, because like we've done many times already, you're probably doing something "Stupid!"